Dr K.Suryanarayana
Author Details SectionDr K.Suryanarayana
The Author of the Book Dr. K. Suryanarayana is currently working as Associate Professor in Department of Management Sciences, R.V. R & J.C College of Engineering is having a 25 years of teaching experience in the area of Business Administration. He also worked as Faculty in Departement of Management Sciences, Nizwa College of Technology, Directorate of Technical Education, Ministry of Manpower, Sultanate of Oman for a period of 9 years. During that period he has received best projects award twice for the projects online payment systems and online restaurants. He also travelled various European countries to understand the importance of Management Education he also delivered guest lectures in various colleges in and around Andhra Pradesh. He is also Guiding Ph.D., scholars in Acharya Nagarjuna Unversity, Guntur.