Dr. Srishail HC
Author Details SectionDr. Srishail HC
Dr.H.CShrishail Assistant professor, Department of P.G Studies and Research in Botany, Kuvempu University, JnanaSahyadri, Shankaraghatta, Shivamogga, Karnataka State. His research area includes, plant systematics, phytochemistry, biodiversity, medicinal plants, tissue culture and secondary metabolites production, ethano botany. Based on his research outcome he honored several awards. He is serving as an editorial member. He authoresses more than 15 research papers, 10 books. He participated, presented in sixty national and two International conferences symposiums, seminar and workshops. He is a member of board of exams and guiding 4 PhD students and 10 MSc project students. He is member of Board of exams like Tumakuru University, Davanagere University and Krishnadevaraya University, Bellary. He is a life member of Indian Association of Angiosperm taxonomy & Indian Botanical Society.