Anamika Chauhan
Author Details SectionAnamika Chauhan
Anamika Chauhan is presently Assistant Professor, Department of Home Science in Chamanlal PG College, Sridev Uttarakhand University, Uttarakhand. She has obtained her Master Degree from HNB Garhwal University, with rank, taught briefly in Department of Home Science, HNB Garhwal University. As research fellow, then submitted her Ph.D. Thesis in Home Science at HNBGU.She has also Master Degree in English, political Science and Education subject. She was initially in Govt of Uttarakhand, School Education Department. She was also awarded young scientist award by UCOST and Teacher's Excellence Award by Motherhood University. As Faculty in Home Science, she teaches core and elective courses of Home Science, Developmental Psychology, Nutrition. She was member of Board of Studies of the Univesity and was in core team of revision of present syllabus of Home Sciences of the University. She is also life time member of Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata, Scientific and Technical Research Association (STRA) and Home Science Association of India. o She has research papers in peer reviewed reputed national and international journals, Edited Books, chapters in Books on Home Science. She has also been associated with, workshops and conferences. Her research interest and areas ranges across Right to Education, Nutrition, developmental psychology and elements of the best practices that contribute to the efficient and effective functioning of the institution, organization management, student support and progression.