Sneha Sabu
Author Details SectionSneha Sabu
Sneha Sabu is a Postgraduate in Microbiology who is very passionate about Research aptitudes and Scientific Implications. She is a third rank holder from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University during her Postgraduation period. She has authored many articles in International Journals as well as in Books. She is an Asia Book and India Book Record Holder (Published her book chapter in Asia Books and India Books of Records) and has recently compiled and published a book entitled Science Inviting your Perception. Currently, she is working as a project fellow in department of Botany, Mohanlal Sukadia University, Rajasthan under the project entitled Capasity building and livelihood security of Tribals's of South Rajasthan through Bioprospecting, Biotechnological Interventions and Disease Management of Ginger.