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Dr M.Guru Prasad

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Dr M.Guru Prasad
Dr M.Guru Prasad
Guru Prasad has obtained B.Sc at UG level. Dr. Prasad has completed M.Sc in Buitechnology. Dr. Prasad was awarded Ph.D in Biochemistrey. dr. Prasad stood in first class in UG, PG and Ph.D also. Dr. Prasad has got 5 years experience in Teaching. Dr. Prasad has gained 15 years experience in an Industry. Dr. Prasad has published 48 international papers in journals. and 3 papers in conferences. Dr. Prasad has got 20 papers in Scoupus jounal. Dr. Prasad has published 8 papers in SCI journals. Dr. Prasad supervised 8 UG and PG Projects. Dr. Prasad has attended 195 times in workshops/, conferences/ seminars/ FDP/ STTP. Dr. Prasad has published 25 books. dr. Prasad is a stalwart in Transgenic plants, Agri. Nano-Tech, Micorrhyza, Fermentation, Breeding, Phytochemistry and Probiotics in aqua culture, poultry, animal husbandary, Environmental and health care