Dr. D. Priya Kumari
Author Details SectionDr. D. Priya Kumari
Working as Assistant Professor of Zoology, Nizam College, Osmania University. She has 20 years of teaching experience in both under graduate and post graduate level. Her areas of interest are Endocrinology, Entomology, Environment and Palliative Care. Founder member of Pain and Palliative Care Society(PRPCS), Hyderabad and Executive member of CGR - Council for Green Revolution and GRACE Greens Alliance for Conservation of Eastern Ghats, Member, Institutional Ethical committee, MNJIO & RCC (Mehdi Nawaz Jung Institute of Oncology and Regional Cancer Center), Hyderabad. Contributed to a qualitative survey of Unbearable Pain: India Obligation to Ensure Palliative Care, A Human Rights Watch India report. She has contributed to survey and release of book titled Eastern Ghats Environment Outlook published by CGR, contributed to a qualitative survey of Predictors and prevalence of pain and its management in four regional cancer hospitals in India in association with Human Rights Watch, New York, contributed to the study APPROACH cross-sectional survey in Hyderabad on Health-related quality of life and its socio-economic and cultural predictors among advanced cancer patients in collaboration with Lien Centre for Palliative Care, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore. She has also Published Community Volunteers Hand book on Palliative Care in Telugu.o BN Sastry award for best work in the community, BN Sastry foundation, 2013 o Stree Shakthi Award, TelaganaStree Shakti Organization, 2014. o Mahila Shiromani Award, Citizens Council, 2016228