Dr. Sandeep Rout
Author Details SectionDr. Sandeep Rout
Dr. Rout, pursued his B.Sc. Forestry from. College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, M.Sc. Forestry in Forest Products from College of Forestry, OUAT, Bhubaneswar and Ph.D. Forestry (SHUATS [Formerly Allahabad Agriculture Institute], Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh), He also qualifies ICAR NET in Agroforestry, ICAR SRF in Forestry and DST Inspire fellow during his Doctoral study. Presently he was working as an Assistant Professor at Faculty of Agriculture, Sri Sri University, Cuttack, Odisha ,his area of Interest is Medicinal and aromatic plants, NWFP and tree propagation. He has 83 numbers of Research papers, 48 conference papers, 03 books and 16 Book chapters to his credit. He is also acting as Editor, Editorial Board members and Reviewers of numerous NAAS, Scopus indexed National and International Journals. Dr Rout was life members, fellow of 17 scientific societies/associations. He published 02 number of Indian patent